Fiche bibliographique n° 427

Titre Transition To Single Seat Gliders ...Made Easy !
Sous-titre A Comprehensive Guide To Flying Single Seat Gliders
Sous-titre --
Collection Gliding ...Made Easy
Auteur WANDER, Bob
Année de publication 2000
Langue anglais
ÉditeurBob Wander's Soaring books and supplies
PO Box 17250
MN 55417
Tél : (952)920-1804(800)660-0238
Contact :
Site Web :
Format211 mm x 280 mm
Nombre de pages 40
Sommaire Using this book
- The Gliding made easy series
- Introduction
- How to use this book
- A note to glider flight instructors
- Acknowledgement

Glider familiarization & preparation
- The pilot operation handbook (POH)
- Glider worksheet
- Assembly and positive control check
- In the cockpit
- The instrument panel
- How will it feel?
- Flap-equipped gliders

Flying the single seat glider
- Takeoff & aerotow
- In free flight
- Pattern & landing

- Transition checklist
- The Soaring Society of America
- Acknowledgement
- For further reading
- About Bob Wander
Résumé Makes single seat glider checkouts safe and fun.
Assembly, cockpit considerations, flaps, trim, and airbrakes, towhook location and considerations, ground handling, takeoff and tow, free flight, patterns and landings, emergency planning, positive control checks . . . everything is covered.
Où le trouver ?Chez l'éditeur
Prix9 $

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Fiche n° 427 [Dernière mise à jour : 2009-12-01]